Ben Thone of Turner is seeking a license for a medical marijuana cultivation facility, seen Thursday, at 1622 Federal Road in Livermore. The facility is near Brettuns Pond Beach and across from the intersection of Church Street where the town library and community center are located. The town’s Medical Marijuana Ordinance states operations need to be 1,000 feet from areas where children under 18 are active. Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser

LIVERMORE — Selectpersons Thursday night held hearings on two business applications put before the Planning Board.

Ben Thone’s application for a license to operate a medical marijuana cultivation facility at 1622 Federal Road, across from the intersection with Church Street, was approved pending consultation with the town’s attorney regarding setback distances and payment of the annual $2,500 fee.

Selectpersons Mark Chretien, Joshua Perkins and Scott Richmond were in favor. Brett Deyling, who served as moderator for the hearings, didn’t vote and Jeremy Emerson abstained.

Thone, of Turner, operates a facility in that town according to staff at Turner’s Town Office.

A screenshot shows the location of a proposed medical marijuana cultivation facility at 1622 Federal Road across from the intersection with Route108/Church Street. The town library and community center are on that road while the Brettuns Pond beach is off of Keith Street nearby. Google maps screenshot

Planning Board Chair Travis Tardif said Thone’s application was deemed complete.

Deyling asked if the setback requirements in the town’s Medical Marijuana Ordinance were met. The town beach at Brettuns Pond, the library and the community center area nearby were his only concern, he said.


“I couldn’t tell you,” Tardif replied.

According to the town’s ordinance, medical marijuana facilities may not be operated on property located within 1,000 feet of the property line of recreational areas designated for use by children up to 18 years in age.

Voters at the June 8, 2021, annual town meeting approved changing the distance for that and other specified areas from 500 to 1,000 feet. The ordinance was adopted Aug. 11, 2020.

In an online search, Deyling determined the beach was 373 yards away, or 1,119 feet, which is just outside the required setback.

Selectperson Scott Richmond asked if the Planning Board had visited the site.

According to Tardif, there’s just a building at the existing site so the board didn’t feel a visit was necessary. He noted carbon filters will be used at the facility for odor control.


“That is one of my biggest concerns,” Richmond said. “A place I pick up parts for work, they have a grow facility right next door and it smells horrid.”

If there are complaints, the ordinance is set up so the code enforcement officer can address that, Tardif noted.

Deyling noted that the library is about 500 feet and the community center less than 1,000 feet away from the proposed facility. “Just make sure we are good with those distances,” he said. “That would be my only concern.”

The ordinance may need to be changed if the distance requirements aren’t met, Deyling said. “For a growth facility it doesn’t make much sense at all because there is not a lot of traffic,” he said. “It’s not a place people go to do business.”

Richmond said he would approve the application so long as it didn’t interfere with the current ordinance, and suggested the town’s lawyer check to make sure distances to the library and the community center conform to that ordinance.

As moderator, Deyling was not eligible to vote but said if he was he would approve the application conditionally pending the lawyer’s review.


The second hearing was on an application from Chris Jewett, who proposes building a 40-foot by 60-foot garage in a clearing at 1327 Federal Road. He plans to offer equipment repair, and perhaps excavator, skid steer and similar equipment rentals.

“For myself, I would love it,” Deyling said. “This goes to the Planning Board for approval? Personally, I am in favor of that.”

Later Thursday the Planning Board approved Jewett’s application.

According to Administrative Assistant Carrie Judd, Jewett’s application did not need to be approved by selectpersons.