LIVERMORE FALLS — At the Sunday, July 30 First Baptist Church of Livermore Falls service Pastor Russ Thayer and wife, Carol greeted worshipers as they settled in for the morning service. Maggie Houlihan, seated at the pipe organ, played music that set the mood for a spirit-filled gathering. Kay King-Watson welcomed all and read announcements of upcoming events and meetings. She led the congregation as they sang two Praise songs: “As the Deer” and “Find Us Faithful”.

Pastor Thayer read the Call to Worship from Psalm 42, Verses 1 & 2, followed by Prayer Time and The Lord’s Prayer. He led us as we sang, “My Faith Looks Up To Thee”. During the Offertory Maggie and Margaret Emery played ” O Happy Day” on organ and piano. Special Music was provided by Rick Merrill as he sang,”Tell Me the Old, Old Story”.

Pastor Thayer introduced his Sermon as he read Scripture from the Book of Daniel, Chapter 6, titled “Cost of Faith”. The question asked in the Sermon is this: If your life was in danger by some one or some thing, would you be able to absolutely trust in God and your faith in Him, or would you give in to the threat and do whatever needed to stay alive? Well, that’s what Daniel did.

Daniel was an administrator for King Darius in a kingdom near Judah. There were other administrators as well, but none were as good or efficient at their jobs as was Daniel. His coworkers were jealous of him and tried to find poor work habits or other problems about him to get him fired. However, they could find no deficiencies or problems with his work, so they gathered all rulers of the kingdom and went as a large group to King Darius.

They said to the king, “O, King, may you live forever!” And they persuaded Darius to make a law that anyone who prayed to any god or man, except Darius, in the next thirty days would be thrown into a lion’s den. Daniel prayed three times each day to our God. So, he was thrown into a lion’s den. Daniel was not afraid, for he knew he had done nothing wrong, and he trusted that God knew the same and would let no harm come to him.

When Darius went to the den the following morning, he was overjoyed to find Daniel safe and alive. He knew Daniels’s faith and trust in God had protected him. Darius sent out a decree to all his kingdom: “All people must fear and be reverent to the God of Daniel, for He is the living God and He endures forever. He rescues and He saves”.


Will you follow in Daniel’s footsteps and place your life, your faith and trust in God, in spite of dangers and threats to your way of life, your livelihood, your reputation, your integrity in your community? Will you stand up for your belief in God?


1. We are collecting canned carrots for the Food Cupboard during August.

2. There will be a Mary’s Lunch(potluck) this week on Thursday, August 3, at 11:30 a.m., all ladies welcome.

3. Soap ‘n More Store will be open on Saturday, August 26, from 9 a.m. to Noon.

4. The next Hymnsing will take place on Sunday, August 27, at 7 p.m.

5. Pastor Thayer and Carol are hosting an All Church Barbecue at the Parsonage on Labor Day at 3 p.m. Bring food to share, hot dogs and burgers will be provided.

6. FBC will travel to China Lake for a Retreat on September 9. The Retreat will take place at the China Lake Chapel from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. There is a sign-up sheet in the hallway in front of the Vestry.

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