
Wednesday, Aug. 2 senior league scramble results: 1. Marc Chouinard/Russ Desjardins/Rick Gardiner/Roger Bergeron 60 2. Travis Matheiu/Joe Gabri/John Moreau/Ron Grant 63 3. Steve Bergeron/Glen Downs/Don Hawthorne/John Mathieu 64; Pins:  No. 11 — Norm Ford 6’8″; No. 13 — Dan Forgues 3’9″.

Fox Ridge

Wednesday, Aug. 2 Men’s Provision Golf League results: 1. McKew/Laberge 18, 2. Cloutier/Washburn 17.5, 3. Caiani/Breton 16.5, 4. Copp/B. Cox 16, 5. Tiner/Carroll 15, 6. Chabot/Cameron 14, 7. Goody/Grondin 13, 8. Fitzgerald/Booker 12, 9. Garey/Camire 11, 10. Provencher/Dee 10.5, 11. Prue/Lashua 9.5, 12. Fortin/Grant 9; Points game: Tracy Cloutier +4; Pins: No. 3 — Mike McKew 5’8”;  No. 5 — Mike McKew 2’7”;  No. 8 (second shot) — Rocky Copp 3’10”.

The Meadows

Wednesday, Aug. 2 Ladies League results: 1. Kim Coombs/Phoebe Lowell/Anita Morin/Pauline Couture 38 2. Kate McGee/Adriann Tucker/Pat Carr/Camille Booker 39 3. Chris Sirois/Nancy Dube/Maureen Spencer/Wanda Brown 40; Pin: No. 2 — Jean Lamping/Lin Mathieu/Deb Charest/Cheryl Harrington 3’7″.



Sunday, Aug. 6 member/member best ball results: Net — 1. Darin Roy/Frank Luther 63 2. Fred Kent/Todd Papalegis 64 3. Ed Armstrong/Wayne Dyment 65 3. Dae Prevost/Don Prevost 65; Closest to the pin — Mark Palmer.

Poland Spring

Tuesday, Aug. 1 ladies twilight league results: Game of the week — 1. Andrea Sagers/Candin Taylor/Cindy Hotham 18 2. Angie Ray/Jen Banker/Sue Hatch 20 3. Heather Slattery/Karen Nichols 21 4. Diane Daigle/Monique Roy/Amy Stearns/Carly Hall 23 5. Anne Printup/Roxy Dionne/Jo Miller 25 6. Yolanda Nichols/Cindy Greathouse 29 7. Jen Wells/Laura Schrapper/Tammy Lynch 30; Scramble — 1. Carlene Tremblay/Amy Abbott/Laurie Sevigny/Mary D.C. Friend +4 2. Mel Gordon/Ginny Coleman/Sarah Marcotte/Lisa Bisson +5 2. Alison Sampson/Amy Lappin/Cherie Larson/Shelly Afthim +5 4. Laurie Callahan/Denise Dube/Beth Shea/Sharon Chapman +7 5. Charlene McPhee/Sue Milligan/Geri Schneider +8 5. Sonja Theriault/Ann Martel +8 5. Pat Maines/Georgia Pratt/Sharon Campbell +8 5. Barb Porterfield/Linda Manchester/Lucille Dodge/Maggie Hann +5 5. Michelle Lagasse/Kellie Whitten/Nancy Girouard +5 10. Liza Libby/Kate Andersen /Tracy Ross/Lisa Potvin +9 10. Jessica Ouellette/Krista Bureau/Heather Printup +9; Closest to the pin — 1. Carlene Tremblay 18’5″ 2. Monique Roy 28’1″ 3. Amy Abbott 35’7″.


Sunday, Aug. 6 member/member alternate shot results: Gross — 1. Brandon Marcotte/Ray Roy 74 2. John Pleau/Bob Tremblay 76; Net — 1. Patti Ayotte/Gaetan Bolduc 67.2 2. Steve Bodge/Matt Sullivan 67.7 3. Dan Parent/Bill Crane 68.51 4. Keith Ross/Jon Kent 69.25; Pins: No. 2 — John Pleau 27’6″; No. 8 — Ray Roy 9’8″; No. 13 — J. Levasseur 2′; No. 15 — Mike Labonte 21’6″; Skins: Gross — M. Kent/Je. Kent No. 1, B. Marcotte/R. Roy No. 2 and No. 3, D. Parent/B. Crane No. 4, G. Laroche/R. Carleton No. 5, K. Ross/Jo. Kent No. 6 and No. 15, B. Henderson/K. Carver No. 7 and No. 17, P. Ayotte/G. Bolduc No. 9, K. Irish/M Randall No. 11, D. Kus/R. Newman No. 13.


Saturday, Aug. 5 ABCD two-ball wheel results: Gross — 1. Jim Murphy/Bong Adil 69 2. Ron Leeman/Tom Tiner 72 2. Eric Medina/Ray Roy 72 2. Ken Carver/Dan Dodge 72; Net — 1. Tom Tiner/Roger Maloney 61 2. Don Rahmlow/Dan Parent 62; Pins: No. 2 — Brandon Marcotte 9’6″; No. 8 — Brian Henderson 8’5″; No. 13 — Ron Leeman 10’7″; Skins: Net — Ron Leeman No. 3, Tom Tiner No. 7, Ray Roy No. 9 and No. 18, Ken Carver No. 10, Jim Murphy No. 16.

Thursday, Aug. 3 Ladies Member/Guest results: Gross — Rachel Newman/Jade Haylock/Jean Pratt/Bambi Stevens 58; Net — 1. Abby Flanagan/Alexis McCormick/Brenda Ross/Sharon Balboni 58.3 2. Linda Susie Mynahan/Diane Gagnier/Holly Cooper/Kay Theberge 58.6; Pins: No. 2: Member — Patti Ayotte; Guest — Jade Haylock; No. 13: Guest — Bambi Stevens; Long Drive: Member — Abby Flanagan; Guest — Jade Haylock.

Wednesday, Aug. 2 senior league points results: 1. Rick Shea +9 2. Joe Mertzel +8.

Tuesday, Aug. 2 men’s twilight flighted point quota results: Flight one — 1. Keith Ross +3 1. Ryan Godin +1 1. Ray Roy +3; Flight two — 1. Tom Tiner +6.5 2. Ken Carver +4 3. Gaetan Bolduc +2; Overall: Pins: No 2. — Patrick Shea 10′ No. 8 — Gaetan Bolduc 17’11”.