100 Years Ago: 1923
Carlton Haynes of Auburn, a salesman at the Lewiston Motors, Inc., has sworn off leaving his automobile outside of a garage overnight. One morning recently, at three o’clock, when everything was quiet, he was awakened by loud explosions. Listening for moments he heard his father shouting to someone. When he got out of bed he found that three strangers had arrived in a Ford which they stopped in front of the house, and were tampering with his Essex coach which he had parked in his yard. His father evidently had scared the intruders away before they could either steal any tires or the car itself. Mr. Haynes now parks his car in a garage.
50 Years Ago: 1973
An Auburn Water District crew is working to relocate fire hydrants in the Great Falls Urban Renewal project area and Earle A. Tarr Jr., the district Superintendent, said Tuesday it had been necessary to break through an old foundation for the hydrant at Turner and Court streets.
According to Tarr, relocating the corner hydrant, it was necessary to break through a section of the old foundation of the former bank building located at the intersection. The hydrant had to be set back so that the corner might be rounded off to facilitate traffic flow. He also said it had been generally believed that the foundation of the former Northeast Bank building had been removed when the building was demolished.
Tarr said that the great amount of projects underway in Auburn had kept both sewer and water crews “on the jump” this season to keep abreast of the work. A sewer district crew has been engaged in raising catch basins and manhole basins up to the new grades in the code enforcement project area.
25 Years Ago: 1998
The YWCA will offer a cheering camp for ages 5-13. Participants will work on cheers, chants, jumps, stunts and spirited dance. The camp will take place from 9 a.m. to noon Monday through Friday at the YWCA at 130 East Ave. For more information, call 795-4050.
The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.
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