100 Years Ago: 1923
Mrs. Florence Kling Harding, widow of the late president, plans to spend a portion of the winter months in Southern California, according to a brother-in-law who just returned from Marion, Ohio.
50 Years Ago: 1973
Sam Holbrook, a farmer from Turner, has issued a warning that he is taking protective measures of his crop following two weekend thefts of spuds. The latest took place on Saturday night when someone pulled 300 to 400 large potato plants and left the small ones
25 Years Ago: 1998
The Phillips Public Library will host an open house from 1 to 3 pm August 22 at the Paul G. Whittemore Building on Main StreetHear about the library’s future for the old high school. Musician Ross Swain will be playing the piano under a tent in front of the building.
The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.
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