Mark Kenney in his new role as superintendent of schools for MSAD-44 attends the first board meeting of the school year. On right is new chair-elect, Erin Cooley. Rose Lincoln/Bethel Citizen

BETHEL — Instead of standing in the back as before Mark Kenney sat at the front of the room in his new role as MSAD-44 superintendent.

Beside Kenney was Acting School Board Chair Erin Cooley.

The board met on Aug. 21 at Telstar library with new school board members, Destiny Hughes of Greenwood; Bryan Kendall of Woodstock; Stephanie Cayer and David Jones, both of Bethel at the table.

Other members are: Tammala Goodwin, of Greenwood; Mark Hutchins, Stephanie Herbeck, Scott Cole, and Koral Fraser of Bethel;  Meredith Harrop, David Bartlett, and Amy Henley of Newry; Sheryl Morgan, and Marcy Winslow of Woodstock.

During public comment, Colleen Raymond asked if there was a more transparent way to know how coaches are selected and how teams are formed.

Board member Destiny Hughes asked on behalf of  parents, how the decision was made to combine classes at the Woodstock School.


Board member David Bartlett expressed his concern of Scott Cole’s “abusive behavior during a recent board of selectmen’s meeting.”  Bartlett said, “to protect the integrity of the school board,” he  would like the school board to consider a policy with steps to be taken to remove [an individual] that shows this type of behavior at any of their meetings.

Cole responded to Bartlett, “An unfortunate meeting. The reporter was not in the room. There was no video, just a couple of people’s words against whatever else they might want to think. We all get to believe what we want … As far as people’s behavior outside this board in non-school related matters, I think he’s on thin ice.”

Member Scott Cole at MSAD-44 School board meeting in the Telstar Middle/High School library. Rose Lincoln/Bethel Citizen


Before reading the SAD-44 report, Kenney read Region 9’s.  They are anticipating starting the new year with between 100 and 125 new students, said Kenney. Three of the school’s recent fire science graduates will be team teaching in the Fire Science program. One of the automotive technology graduates will be teaching in that program.

Kenny proposed that the SAD-44 school board sub-committee that addresses personnel, policy, and facilities, be split in two. He said facilities takes the most time of the three. He would like to see the board rewrite the committee’s duties, separating policy out from the others. Some of the policies date back to 1998 and 2004 so it is time for a rewrite, he said.

School starts Wednesday for SAD-44.


The staff will be going to the 4-H camp for lunch and team-building on Tues., Aug. 29

Kenny said the Woodstock School and Crescent Park School are fully staffed. Telstar High School needs an athletic trainer. Telstar Middle School is short an 8th grade math teacher and a long term substitute.

New School Board Member, Bryan Kendall of Woodstock at the MSAD-44 School board meeting in the Telstar Middle/High School library. Rose Lincoln/Bethel Citizen

Arlynne Hale will receive a stipend to be the buildings and grounds supervisor. She is also the lead custodian at the Telstar complex. Next year she will transition to only buildings and grounds after a replacement head custodian is found.

Scott Parker has been working with the school administrators on building emergency plans, said Kenny. They will bring the information they have learned to the board meeting in September.

Kenny said they partnered with Sunday River staff at a recent training, because White Cap will be the receiving location should Telstar Middle and High School ever have to be evacuated. He added that if the Woodstock School or Crescent Park had to be evacuated, those students would go to Telstar.

The board approved three new staff members to a first probationary contract for the 2023-2024 school year.


Lucy Carter was approved as the 7th grade ELA teacher, Pam Tobin was approved as special education teacher and Denise Straiton as a pre-k teacher.

David Bartlett was appointed as delegate and Destiny Hughes as alternate to the MSMA (Maine School Management Association) Annual Delegate Assembly scheduled for October 21, 2023.

Kelley Fraser was appointed to the district’s Local Credential Committee (LCC) for continuation of a three year term. Brenda Wight and Tera Ingraham oversee the committee.

Michelle Danielson, Tracy Morin, Duchess Killam, Peter Hedden, Melissa Poston, Elke Blausse, Dave Lynch, and Ashley Thompson were voted to be Curriculum Leaders for the 2023-2024 school year.

The board accepted the Superintendent’s recommendation of TEPG Facilitators for the 2023-2024 school year.

The School Board Meeting Calendar for the 2023-2024 school year was approved. 2024 graduation is June 7. The board’s last meeting of the school year will be June 17.


They voted to approve an educational trip for Melissa Poston’s class to go to Salem, MA. in September. They will do a two-day trip with a college campus visit on the way back.  Last year was just one day. “It was very well received last year. The kids are still talking about it,” said Kenney.

There are 42 students that may be able to go, he said. Project Opportunity is funding most of the trip. Students will be asked to contribute $40. each, some of which may be refunded back to them. Kenney said they will find other resources if a student can’t pay the $40.

Tom Coolidge Jr, was approved as the as the central office special education department administrative assistant.

The next school board meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 25.

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