Witchy works by Melanie Therrien and Corrina Tancrede fill Art and Ale Window at Gritty’s in Auburn. Submitted photo

Melanie Therrien and Corrina Tancrede, artists of Wicked Illustrations Studio and Gallery, are the featured artists for month of October in the Art and Ale Window at Gritty’s in Auburn.

Therrien and Tancrede are showing a selection of witchy paintings for the season including witch portraits, hats and brooms. Therrien is the owner of Wicked Illustrations where she teaches art classes and workshops as well as hosts art parties in the studio and away.

Tancrede owns a children’s hair salon where she can be creative and also volunteers at Wicked Illustrations. Her work can also be seen at Obscura Cafe and Drinkery for the month of October. Therrien is currently on display at Munka Gallery.

Both artists have public art around Lewiston including creative crosswalks, painted fire hydrants, electric boxes, murals and the #wickedwingslewiston wall.

To find out more about the artists or how to display your own work, visit wickedillustrations.com.