100 Years Ago: 1923
On Tuesday evening last the regular meeting of the Skowhegan B. P. W. Club was held in its rooms on Water street with a large attendance and was purely a business session The president,Miss Margaret Chase presided. A dance on Halloween was discussed. Miss Esther Roderick, chairman of the finance committee, reported that there was 75.00 profit from the sale of food at the fair. The Publicity committee is to secure $5.00 worth of advertising during the month for the State Federation Paper. All advertisements must be in the hands of Miss Florence Burrill by Oct. 21. Miss Margaret Chase gave a very interesting account of the Federation of Women’s Clubs which was held at Bar Harbor last week, and Miss Jennie Morin gave an instructive account of the manner in which she got through to Canada when she forgot her citizenship paper, by using her B. P. W. membership card. The next meeting will be held on the second Tuesday in October and wil be for business. The programs will not begin until November.
50 Years Ago: 1973
Georgetown artist Richard Hasenfus will present the program for the special meeting scheduled by the Androscoggin Valley Art Association at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 4, at the Square and Compass Club, 50 Elm St., Auburn. The paintings of Richard Hasenfus depict the life and scenery of the Boothbay Harbor Region where he started painting as a young boy.
25 Years Ago: 1998
The Lisbon Rotary Club will meet at 7 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 29, at Midtown Diner, Midtown Shopping Center. The speaker will be Robert Gottell, assistant vice president at the University of Southern Maine. Tickets are on sale for the annual spaghetti supper from 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Lisbon High School cafeteria, with an auction following. Proceeds benefit community projects. Tickets may be purchased from any Rotary member.
The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.
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