Ward 2 Auburn School Committee representative Pamela Hart. Submitted photo

AUBURN — Ward 2 Auburn School Committee member Pamela Hart is running for reelection. The respiratory therapist hopes to secure her third term on the committee.

Community engagement: Current Ward 2 School Committee representative, Edward Little High School Building Committee, Edward Little High School Fundraising Subcommittee chairperson, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Subcommittee co-chairperson, Health & Safety Subcommittee co-chairperson

How would you manage the school budget? Allocate more funds to schools or pull back spending? Why?

I believe we need to be good stewards of taxpayer resources while supporting our schools. We need to maximize efficiency and spend mindfully. We need to make sure we are providing the highest quality education for our children without burdening our community. Over the past four years, the school budget has become transparent and is driven by the needs of students and staff. I believe our schools are one of the most important cornerstones of our community and should be a priority in any budget.

Do you believe student safety is a priority and would you support initiatives that address safety issues?

Schools should be a safe place where the priority is to learn, grow and find acceptance. Sadly, as we have seen countless times, the safety of many schools has been tested and broken. We have recently approved the ALICE Training, which is an evidence-based program that empowers educators, staff and students to be prepared for unexpected events. I also feel that school safety encompasses other aspects such as inclusion and equity. Safety includes allowing students to feel safe in who they are and accepted. Studies show that students who feel safe in schools achieve more academically and socially.


Do you believe students’ social and emotional needs are being met in schools? What could be done differently?

For a child to be successful, their social and emotional needs must also be met. A hungry child is unable to learn similarly to a child who has food security. We are actively working to address homelessness, drug abuse and food insecurity. The free lunch program for all students helps to ease the food insecurity during school hours but there is more that can be done. I will continue to advocate for the necessary means to help all students have a fair and equitable chance at achieving their education goals.

Do you believe parents and community members have adequate access to the committee members at meetings or through other methods to express concerns and frustrations?

Yes, the community has access.

I have always been open to discussion of what we are doing well and where there is room to improve. As a single member on this committee, I do not have the power to make instant change but I always have the power and willingness to listen. We have public participation open to everyone at all of our meetings. Our emails and phone numbers are easily available on the Auburn School Department website. I strongly feel that as a public servant, it is my duty to listen to all stakeholders with dignity, patience, empathy and respect.