SABATTUS — Voters will decide Nov. 7 how much they want to spend on a new fire station and where that station should be built. 

Voters will also be presented with the option to refurbish the existing station or to build a new public safety building that will encompass the police and fire stations. 

To see a survey with a breakdown of the options, visit 

The questions are as follows:

• To agree to accept $2 million from the federal government, raise or appropriate no local tax dollars, and refurbish the present 72 Main St. fire station where is. To appropriate a total of $2 million. 

• To agree to accept $2 million from the federal government, raise and appropriate additional tax dollars, not to exceed $6 million, and build a fire station at 190 Middle Road (town office property). T0 raise and appropriate a total of $8 million. 


• To agree to accept $2 million from the federal government, raise and appropriate additional tax dollars, not to exceed $6 million, and build a fire station at 190 Middle Road. To raise an appropriate a total of $10 million. 

• To agree to accept $2 million from the federal government, raise and appropriate additional tax dollars, not to exceed $10 million, and build a public safety building, fire station and police station combined at 190 Middle Road. To raise and appropriate a total of $12 million. 

• To agree not to accept $2 million or raise and appropriate any additional local tax dollars for any rebuilding or new construction of the fire station or public safety building. 

The town will hold a public informational meeting Tuesday from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the town office conference room. 

Residents will also be asked to select from several candidates running for various positions, including assessor and overseer of the poor, Regional School Unit 4 director, Sanitary/Water District trustee and Budget Committee. 

Sample ballots and a list of candidates can be found at

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