100 Years Ago: 1923

The home economics department of the WLU has secured Miss Harriet Sweetser, state supervisor of home economics for an address the second week in March. Her subject is to be “The Camp that Jill built,” and is said to contain many practical ideas.

The lecture will be in the afternoon at the Androscoggin Electric Company Hall on Main Street. Mrs. F.W. Quimby is chair of this department.

50 Years Ago: 1973

(Sun Journal photo) Five little ones at Auburn’s Chamberlain School take an imaginary ride in a car made by ELHS students from an empty cabinet box, with high schoolers to show that just about anything can be put to good use. Outside the “car” are Janet Sawyer and Mark Benner and in the front seat, Dana Bilodeau and Debbie Tanguay. Sharing the rear are Robert Hutchinson, Trena Bubier and Tina Millett. It’s American Education Week in all area schools and across the nation.

25 Years Ago: 1998

(Photo by Androscoggin Historical Society) The Auburn Theater at 78 Court St. was a popular spot after its founding in 1928. The theater operated as late as 1954 and was razed in 1962. Roak the Florist, right, was also in operation in the downtown area at that time. The buildings have been replaced with a parking lot at Court Street and Mechanics Row.

The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspelling and errors may be corrected.

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