100 Years Ago: 1923

Laura M. Morin will open a school at her Beauty Culture Shop at 132 Lisbon St. Monday, November 19th, for three evenings a week, Monday-Wednesday-and Saturday, which will continue during the winter months. Miss Morin is a graduate of Lamping-Nolan School of Boston, a well known and high grade beauty school.

50 Years Ago: 1973

(Sun Journal photo) Auburn young people who won prizes in this year’s Halloween window painting contests were guests of the Auburn Exchange Club at a luncheon meeting at the Roundhouse Motor Inn Tuesday noon. Receiving special recognition were Barbara Leclerc, Rachel Geller, Lee Johnston, Jeremy Witas, Keith Royer,Fred Nash III, Wendy Lamiette, Debbie St. Hillaire, and Eddie Abraham. The contest was sponsored jointly by The Exchange Club and the Auburn Recreation Department.

25 Years Ago: 1998

A car owned by James Andrews, 230 Oak Hill Road, struck a car owned by Auburn Motor Sales of 699 Center Street on Center Street at 1:45 pm. Thursday. Both vehicles were unoccupied, one was parked and the other slipped out of gear.

The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspelling and errors may be corrected.

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