100 Years Ago: 1923

Athletes who proposed to compete in the Olympic games next year will receive their tryouts starting June 24 in Harvard Stadium. The National Amateur Athletic Union decided at a meeting tonight. It also was agreed to postpone the National Track and Field Championship. They will meet after the Olympic games.

50 Years Ago: 1973

A meeting of the Mary Dillingham chapter was held at the home of Mrs. Alton McFadden on Fern Street recently when the program featured was an interesting program of Monticello, given by Miss Leslie Wight. This has been planned as an observance of a bicentennial program.

25 Years Ago: 1998

Senator Olympia Snowe has asked US Attorney Janet Reno to review the Department of Housing and Urban Developments decision to give federal money intended for the January ice storm to states with national disasters.


The Republican senator made the announcement one day after telling the Sun Journal she thought HUD secretary Andrew Coumo violated congress’ intent when it passed a $130 million funding bill for the Northeastern states slammed by the ice storm. Maine had hoped for a significant share of the money to reimburse CMP and other privately-owned utilities for ice-storm related costs, thus preventing the utilities from passing along costs to ratepayers affected by natural disasters.

Instead Coumo allocated less than $2.2 million to Maine, $1.5 million New Hampshire, $1.5 million to Vermont and $6 million to his home state of New York in community development block grants. Another $45 million was spread out among 10 other states affected by natural causes.

The secretary said the law requires him to apply the money to all disasters declared by President Clinton this year.

Snowe said that a court injunction may be necessary to get more ice storm aid to Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and New York.

The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspelling and errors may be corrected.


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