FARMINGTON — Selectmen on Nov. 14 chose Monday, March 25, 2024, for the annual town meeting.

Stephen Eldridge, interim town manager, presented March 18 and March 25 as possible dates for the meeting.

Selectman Joshua Bell moved to hold the meeting on the latter date to give the new town manager more time.

Time and location have not been determined.

Residents will elect one three-year seat on the Board of Selectmen. It is currently held by Chair Matthew Smith.

The one-year remaining on the Regional School Unit 9 board of directors that was temporarily filled by J. Wayne Kinney after Alexander Creznic stepped down is to be filled. The three-year term currently held by Gloria McGraw will also be voted on.

Nomination papers will be available Friday, Dec. 15, and must be returned by Thursday, Jan. 25.