First row: Chris Santiago of Vassalboro, Ginger Fails of New Sharon, Sara Anderson of Pack 585 in Farmington, Walter Fails of New Sharon. Second row: Shane Maroon of Winslow, Nate Gray of Vassalboro, Shaun Edwards of Pack 585, Chris Reynolds of Vassalboro, Kevin McLaughlin of Vassalboro. Submitted photo

WATERVILLE — On Sunday, Nov. 19, Vassalboro Cub Scout Pack 410 hosted adult Scout leader training at Thomas College for leaders from the local pack and from Farmington’s Pack 585. The instructors were Walter and Ginger Fails of New Sharon, and Christopher Santiago of Vassalboro. Walter Fails is the Kennebec Valley District of Scouting Training Chair. The training was the Cub Scout Leader Specific Training.

“The training went really well,” Walter Fails said. “We had a good group of new leaders who listened and participated. They asked many great questions and were really engaged. I think the BSA axiom ‘every Scout deserves a trained leader’ is spot on in many respects.

“When a leader is well trained and believes in the Scouting program, they are more confident, prepared, and provide a more quality program for their Scouts. Most importantly, I think in-person training lets leaders know they are supported, by giving them valuable connections to peers and instructors they can rely on for advice and direction.”

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