100 Years Ago: 1923

The Wednesday Morning Club met with Mrs. W.R. Whitehorn of Lewiston Mrs. Seth M. Carter spoke on the work of Harold Bell Wright. Mrs. Wallace White describes a perfume bottle, which is owned by a member of his family and was recently the subject of an article in a Boston paper. The bottle is by Lalique, and is a wonderful piece of workmanship.

50 Years Ago: 1973

A guest speaker from the Androscoggin Valley Regional Planning Commission will be featured at the 8 pm Thursday Dec 6 meeting at Stevens Mills Grange. A musical entertainment will be presented by the Edward Little High School and all grange members are invited to come.

25 Years Ago: 1998

Stephen Drane will give a talk on “Herbal Teas for Health” at 6:30 pm Saturday at the “Mystic Emporium. at 376 Main Street, Auburn.

The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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