POLAND — The Poland Select Board learned about municipal-owned broadband service at Tuesday night’s meeting.

John McLean, a member of the town of Leeds Broadband Committee, spoke about the five years’ worth of work and commitment required for the town to provide broadband service to its residents.

Axiom, an internet company operating out of Machias, administers the Leeds fiber optic network on a contractual basis.

The first thing, McLean said, is to conduct a survey to find out if the community is satisfied with its present service.

McLean recommended contracting with an internet communication specialist if the survey indicates residents seek a change in service.

The federal government is providing grant funding for communities to start municipal-owned broadband projects, McLean said.

In other business, the Select Board voted to increase all town employees’ salaries, except Poland Fire Rescue personnel, by the same consumer price index standard used to calculate the 2024 Social Security increase of 3.2%.

Fire and Rescue has a 5% increase in its union agreement.

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