HANOVER — Hanover’s mil rate dropped to 14.45.

Last year the rate was 14.70, said Town Clerk Kelly Harrington. Deputy Town Clerk Ellie Andrews, said, “it is good budgeting by our town clerk,”

Assessor Michael O’Donnell filed their commitment paperwork on Nov. 15.

The total taxable value of real estate and personal property in Hanover is $50,508,030.

They received 37 applications for municipal reimbursement for taxes in excess of stabilization; they approved 35 of those applications. the total reimbursement for taxes assessed in excess of stabilized amounts is $1,075. The total value of all property exempted by law is $601,935.

Their BETE (Business Equipment Tax Exemption) reimbursement is $17.25.


The overlay they chose is $33, 181.

For excise tax, the town collected $68,587 from motor vehicles, and $3,047. from watercraft.

The total of all veteran exemptions is $96,900.

According to meeting minutes, the select board: Brenda Lee Gross, Jim Barker and Frank Morrison planned to celebrate Morrison’s birthday with cake in town office.

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