I support Jon Connor for Lewiston mayor because, as servicemen protecting our great nation and its citizens, we all learned — from sharing living quarters to combat — that the only way to succeed and be the best we could be was through teamwork.

No matter what we choose to do in civilian life, teamwork continues to be the foundation of everything for us; we know that the best teams are much stronger than the sum of their parts.

Teamwork requires uniting around common goals and carrying them out together, regardless of our differences. Differences should never divide us, or undermine the mission of the team. The best leaders seek to create and inspire unity among team members, rather than allow adversity to erode morale.

Lewiston is facing challenges which require leadership that prioritizes teamwork. Jon Connor has demonstrated throughout his life this as a veteran, businessman and politician.

Tim Gallant, U.S. Navy, ret., Lewiston

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