LIVERMORE FALLS — At the Sunday, Dec. 10, First Baptist Church of Livermore Falls service, Maggie Houlihan played many beautiful seasonal pieces of music as people hummed and sang along with her music. Kay King-Watson opened the service as she read a few announcements. She led the congregation as we sang two praise songs: ‘As With Gladness, Men of Old”, and “Emmanuel”.

Pastor Thayer gave the call to worship as he read from Psalm 106, Verses 1 – 3. Lighting of the Advent Candle was performed by Tini Eastman as she lit the “Joy” candle and read scripture from the Book of Isaiah, Chapter 12, Verses 1 – 6. Pastor Thayer led us as we sang the third verse of the Advent Song. He then led us into prayer time as many gave names of people in need of prayer and we recited The Lord’s Prayer. After prayers, we sang the familiar hymn, “How Great Our Joy”.

Pastor Thayer called the children to the front pew, and he shared with them the junior sermon titled “Secret Box”. The Becky Widger. During the Tithes and Offerings, Maggie Houlihan and Margaret Emery played “There’s A Song In the Air” on piano and organ. The Worship Team sang “A Star Shone Bright”, accompanied by Margaret.

Pastor Thayer read from the Book of Isaiah to introduce his sermon, titled “He Brings Joy”. In ancient days, when Isaiah was talking to the Israelites, he was trying to inform them of the comfort Jesus would bring to their lives. In modern day, we already know of the wonderful things Jesus has done in our lives to make life better as He walks beside us.

We already know He sacrificed His life to save all of us. When our lives seem to be falling apart, we only need to turn to Jesus for comfort. Remember, He has lived through all the woes, joys, heartaches, and experiences we have endured.

We need to praise Him for the love and guidance He gives to us daily, as well as the happiness He gives us. God wants us to be happy, and as Christians, it is our obligations to tell the world around us why we carry Jesus in our hearts everywhere we go. Praise Him every minute of your day and be happy!


After the sermon, Pastor Thayer led us as we sang “Our Day of Joy Is Here Again”, and after the benediction, we sang “A Nativity Prayer”.


1. Food Cupboard, this month we will collect all kinds of crackers, and in January, canned soup.

2. On Saturday, Dec. 16, am there will be a Christmas Party for the adults of the church, at 6:30 p.m. Please bring a gift to swap and, if possible, a dessert to share.

3. Pastor Russ and Carol will host an Open House at the parsonage, after worship on Dec. 17. All are invited.

4. If you like to go Christmas Caroling, also on Dec. 17, you are invited to “carol” with a group of carolers who will meet in the parking lot at 4 p.m.

5.Christmas morning service will take place on Dec. 24 at 10:30 a.m. Christmas Eve Service will be held in the evening at 5 p.m.

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