PARIS — Oxford Hills Tech School students Xian Tripp and Jason Wallace were named winners in Count Me In’s annual Attendance Matters art contest. Tripp’s entry won second place for poster and Wallace’s took first for video. Participating in OHTS’ graphic design program comes with instructor Virginia Valdez’s encouragement for students to make competition part of their instruction.

Count ME In is a Maine-based partnership of schools, businesses, parents, youth, state and community organizations working to increase student attendance through data-driven strategies so that every child is an engaged, successful learner.

Maine School Administrative District 17 is employing programs and strategies developed by Count ME In to combat student chronic absenteeism, an issue since 2020 when the pandemic forced schools to close.

Oxford Hills Tech School students Xian Tripp (third from left) and Jason Wallace (second from right) have been announced as winners of Count Me In’s annual ‘Attendance Matters’ art class. Also pictured from left: Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School Principal Paul Bickford, OHTS Graphic Design Instructor Virginia Valdez and OHTS Director Randy Crockett. Submiitted photo