Kindergartener Blaine Mitchel, center, hoists his bag of food in the air as he and his classmates from W. G. Mallett School bring food to the RSU 9 Community Food Pantry on Friday, Dec. 15. The students are learning about showing kindness and taking responsibility, with the added benefit of helping the pantry. Brian Ponce/Franklin Journal

Kindergartener Kinsley Plaisted, left, and Myla Bard, right, smile for the camera as they line up to drop off their food at the RSU 9 Food Pantry. Brian Ponce/Franklin Journal

Bob Hallman makes sure the kids are safe on Friday, Dec. 15, while they carry bags of food to the RSU 9 Community Food Pantry, located in the basement of the Farmington Community Center. Brian Ponce/Franklin Journal