Thomas J. “Bummah” Gurney Submitted photo

When the legendary street walker Punk Icee died last week, the first person I thought of to go for comment was one Thomas J. Gurney, known in and around Lewiston as “Bummah.” 

Gurney is a singer, songwriter — plus some other stuff; I’ll let Bummah himself provide the particulars — who has received some renown for his songs about the weird goings on in downtown Lewiston. 

One music video, titled “The Dirty Lew,” was praised by some, denounced by others — Gurney has always proceeded in an unflinching manner when it comes to creating art about the shabbier side of the city. 

At the end of the month, on Dec. 29, Gurney and his mates will be presenting their Smooth Junk show at 290 Maine St. restaurant and pub in Norway. With that and the recent passing of Mr. Icee, we figured this was a good time to get caught up with Gurney and see what he’s all about. 

First off, why do they call you Bummah? Well I was born in 1975, I’m a rabbit on the Chinese zodiac sign and I have brown eyes. I was born in a bathtub in Bog Hoot full of Poland Spring water so my Mom nicknamed me Bummer. When I started writing and recording music at Mike Krapovicky’s home studio Lay It Down Productions in Lewiston, I decided to drop the hard R as to not offend anyone that truly was a Bummer. 

What was the response to your “Dirty Lew” song? The “Dirty Lew” and “Infested (The Lewiston Bed Bug song)” both received mixed reviews. For the most part the response was that it was an accurate depiction. I have been encouraged and challenged by friends to write a positive Lewiston song, which I did start but have not finished. Inspiration comes in spurts. 


You do a little of everything. How would YOU describe who you are and what you do? I remember when I was young and they asked me what I wanted to be when I was older. I had it all planned out. I was going to be a famous author and buy a house on each coast and come and go as I please. Then years later I wanted to be a break-dancer. Years after that I won Kevin Hart tickets during a dance-off at a Skosh concert versus my friend and co-pilot of my current duo Smooth Junk. So I’m a pretty good dancer, but that’s about the fifth best thing I do. I’m probably closer to being a break dancer than I am being a famous author though. I love to compose music, but after living in Florida the last couple years I have found a new passion. Getting run over by cars. That’s a joke in case the insurance company reads this. 

Thomas J. “Bummah” Gurney Submitted photo

What is it about Lewiston that provides so much inspiration for creative works? That’s a tough one, but if I had one  guess it would be the foam on the Androscoggin River, which makes perfect sense, because like my inspiration, it also comes in spurts. You’ll have to ask the guy that made the big hammer in Lewiston if he feels the same way. 

What inspired you to write a song about Punk Icee? After many years of reading about his monthly mishaps in the Sun Journal, then reading about him getting attacked, I got inspired. After trying to reach out to help him on the streets and being denied several times, I thought of ways to appreciate him from afar. I started writing down song lyrics. A few years later in the middle of a Blue Khakis band practice, Jake, our guitar player, started playing some sort of chord arrangement what I could only describe as a “pirate waltz.” I immediately grabbed a harmonica and started belting out a melody that screamed out “I am the essence of Punk Icee!” We all got to work collaborating on lyrics, except, I think the drummer. And voila! The rest is history and we are currently working on another Punk Icee song to solidify his immortality in the Lewiston-Auburn rock scene! Crushed beer can statue coming soon. 

What do you do with yourself when you’re not writing or performing? I like to get run over by cars, take long walks on the beach and collect pine cones and turn them into bird feeders. I like to forage for wild ginseng in the White Mountains and sell it on the Chinese black market. I go to Bible studies. I dabble in nude modeling. It’s hard to stay focused to be honest. I’ve been thinking a little about starting a business. I have a few ideas that are top secret but I will share one: a new redemp in Lewiston or Auburn called Punk Icee’s. I like to hang out at Little Joe’s and talk to Reggie. Reggie is another staple in Lewiston lore.

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