Donald Trump has been verbally bashed by many, and justifiably so. I too, have joined in on the bandwagon several times.

Nevertheless, he does show a few positive traits. He speaks clearly, assertively, with frequent repetition to drive home his points with no uncertainty. He carries himself with self-assurance, nattily dressed. He deals out an occasional compliment, although at times directed at unsavory characters.

Not known as a seeker of new knowledge, he did learn one lesson well from father Fred about making money in business real estate transactions. To suggest he is one of us, it has been widely publicized of his love for burgers.

But is he really “one of us”? The “us” I’m referring to are the many of us who have essentially accepted and abided by our society’s mores. These are the so important principles attempted to be embedded in us by our parents, family members, teachers, friends and others, as well as from more veiled but still effectual sources. These are the dynamics which keep us in line, helping to suppress our innate, less sociable characteristics.

If Trump were truly “one of us” he would not be the embodiment of lies, threats, insults, connivances and plots, as he continually exhibits and produces. These are in-your-face antisocial behaviors that unfortunately are so visible and culturally damaging, what with the power and stretch of today’s mass media.

Norm Gellatly, Auburn

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