Robert McCarthy

Name: Robert Andrew McCarthy

Age: 64

Occupation: Former production manager at the Sun Journal, current production manager at KICTeam in Auburn.

Political experience: Did not answer

Why do you think you’re the most qualified, or best candidate for this seat?

Unquestionably, I am the best, most qualified candidate for Ward 2 City Council. I am a lifelong resident of Lewiston. My mother, two children and seven grandchildren reside here. This gives me a large stake in the future of Lewiston. I have 20+ years of experience as production manager in areas of budgeting, building construction and maintenance, and human resources. This experience provides the skills necessary to perform the duties of city councilor.


Please name two issues that you believe are critical to Lewiston’s future, and how you would address them.

Affordable housing is the most critical issue, with economic opportunity a close second. The city needs to provide incentives for landlords to better maintain the current housing stock. We must drive development in new housing for all economic levels. With enough available employees, businesses can expand, thrive and new ventures open. The city must also prepare for the eventual loss of the pandemic aid. Therefore, we must spend it wisely and not add new programs.

Do you support the New England Clean Energy Connect transmission line project? Why or why not?

I support the Clean Energy corridor. It will provide millions in added tax revenue to the city and other towns along its span. It will provide those same towns access to high-speed internet. The clean energy from Canada will significantly reduce pollution generated in Massachusetts that ends up in Maine. Over 90 percent of the money spent fighting the corridor is provided by out-of-state oil and gas companies protecting their profits.

Caleb Roebuck

Name: Caleb Roebuck

Age: 29


Occupation: Tasting room associate at Mast Landing Brewing Company

Political experience: Appointed Ward 2 city councilor, Lake Auburn Watershed Protection Commission

Why do you think you’re the most qualified, or best candidate for this seat?

I believe I am the most qualified and best candidate for this seat because I have the right education and experience, both professionally and politically. I also love this city and bring a unique passion to the position. We have tremendous opportunity ahead of us and we can’t let it pass us by focusing on perceived negatives and old ideas. I am the best candidate because I will bring a new voice and passion.

Please name two issues that you believe are critical to Lewiston’s future, and how you would address them.

Developing economic opportunity and strengthening our schools. How I would address those is one reason why I received the Lewiston Education Association’s endorsement, which I’m incredibly thankful for. I would address economic opportunity by working to remove barriers for well-paying jobs to come to Lewiston. For education, I fully support teachers and all educational staff being paid fairly and implementing multiple programs for students to be successful no matter what path they take after graduation.

Do you support the New England Clean Energy Connect transmission line project? Why or why not?

No. I can not in good faith support a project that offers little benefit to Maine, harms our environment, and only seeks to line the pockets of CMP. Energy losses increase the further it travels and Maine and Massachusetts already lose between 5-9% of energy generated through transmission alone. I support policies and initiatives that would generate power locally and provide tax relief and benefits to Lewiston that wouldn’t rely on foreign companies.

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