Larry Pease Submitted photo

Name: Laurier “Larry” Pease

Age: 72

Occupation: General contracting for more than 40 years

Political experience: Former School Committee member

Why do you think you’re the most qualified, or best candidate for this seat?

My qualifications I’d have to say are being a school board member and then being elected chairman, and also having the opportunity to chair the committee to save Frye school. For the past 53 years, I have lived in this city, with 27-plus years in Ward 5.


Please name two issues that you believe are critical to Lewiston’s future, and how you would address them.

I would say lead paint is one of the major problems. When I was code enforcement officer, we had grants addressing this problem for property owners in the late ’80s and ’90s, and for the most part we have received some sort of a grant or other programs every year since. To address this problem, I think we need to find out if the programs for landlords and or homeowners are too rigid and require them to do other items to qualify. If they cannot afford to do those items, have we really addressed the lead problem even with grant monies? That money could have been spent on removing lead paint but other items came into play.

Do you support the New England Clean Energy Connect transmission line project? Why or why not?

I do support clean energy for a couple of reasons. The tax revenue that we will receive from this program now and in the future could help lessen the burden on our taxpayers. And if we don’t think about the future now, what do we think this problem will be in five-to-10 years? It may not affect some of us because of our age but definitely the younger generations and the ones that follow.

Amy Sanchez Submitted photo

Name: Amy Clark Sanchez

Age: 50


Occupation: Former accountant; creator and director of Kommunity Kritters; member of Healthy Neighborhoods; pantry manager at St. Martin De Porres Residence.

Political experience: None

Why do you think you’re the most qualified, or best candidate for this seat?

I have always felt it important to be an advocate for those without a voice. I know what it is like to live on both ends of the income spectrum. With my personal experience and the drive to advocate for others I am an excellent candidate for City Council. I love my neighborhood and care about the people in it. I am not political; I want what is best for Lewiston.

Please name two issues that you believe are critical to Lewiston’s future, and how you would address them.

Perceived image and lack of housing. The city of Lewiston has now been awarded the Choice grant. This grant helps improve many issues, including the ones I have named. Healthy Neighborhoods was instrumental in spearheading the plan and application for the grant. I intend to continue to be a part of organizations whose priority is to improve Lewiston. The grant addresses housing, infrastructure and urban renewal. I want to help guide and apply this new resource.


Do you support the New England Clean Energy Connect transmission line project? Why or why not?

The NECEC project is complicated. What info is true? The facts I know are: 1. NECEC brings significant revenue to the city of Lewiston, which in turn keeps property tax rates down for our residents; 2. Hydro power is better than other sources of nonrenewable power; 3. CMP being part of the NECEC sullies the project. I am still researching the NECEC and will continue to do so before making my decision.

Charles Soule File photo

Name: Charles Arthur Soule

Age: 68

Occupation: Editor, online blog “Lewiston/Auburn, Maine Newspaper Rebuttal”

Political experience: Did not answer


Why do you think you’re the most qualified, or best candidate for this seat?

I have lived in Lewiston for 68 years, minus six years in the military from 1973-1979, receiving an honorable discharge. I have addressed the Lewiston City Council since 1986 and have been active through to today.

Please name two issues that you believe are critical to Lewiston’s future, and how you would address them.

People’s safety, as a recent eight-bullet shooting fired at individuals while on sidewalks in front of their homes, and Lewiston being a drug haven.

Do you support the New England Clean Energy Connect transmission line project? Why or why not?

Vote “Yes” to reject the CMP Corridor. New Hampshire said no. It’s destructive to the natural forest, lakes and streams of Maine.

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