Elliott Epstein’ column is always well written, thoroughly researched and informative, but never more so than Oct. 17’s contribution (“Question 1 will be answered by emotion not logic“).

Mr. Epstein points out that global warming is a major player in this vote. The fact that almost no one has given voice to this issue does not make it less critical. We, meaning all of us, are running out of time to reduce carbon emissions before it is too late.

Yet, the New England Clean Energy Connect corridor is a project which would reduce emissions significantly, and all we can talk about is that Massachusetts will receive a disproportionate share of the energy.

We also mention that Vermont and Hew Hampshire have already booted similar projects out of those states, presumably because the benefits of those projects would have favored Massachusetts, too.

As Benjamin Franklin famously said in the context of fighting another enemy, “We shall either hang together or we shall hang separately.” The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is not the enemy here, because we all share the air that we breath.

For these reasons, I will be voting no on Election Day.

John Bonneau, Auburn

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