As Auburn looks to the future, it’s important that we continue to encourage young families to not only settle here, but also get involved in our community.

That’s one reason why I am enthusiastically supporting Ryan Hawes for Auburn City Council. As a Marine veteran, Ryan understands the meaning of commitment. He and his wife have chosen to raise their young family here, and are committed to a bright future for Auburn.

Ryan’s involvement as a volunteer football coach demonstrates that his dedication to serving others continues to live on beyond his military service. As a banker, he has an understanding of the complex finances with which the city council must grapple.

As Auburn moves forward, we must engage those with a commitment to growth and service. For these reasons and more, I ask residents to join me and vote for Ryan Hawes for city council on Tuesday, Nov. 2.

Rep. Laurel Libby, House District 64, Auburn

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