I support Carl Sheline’s candidacy for Lewiston’s next mayor based on his long-standing and community involvement.

I submit my full political support behind Carl with great pleasure and honor. Carl has been involved in our city, engaged the Lewiston business community, and has served on several local and state organizations’ boards.

Carl has presented in several ways that he has the strength and leadership skills to be the person we need to be the mayor. I am confident that Carl can help our city grow to become vibrant and prosperous.

We need to elect a mayor with integrity, inclusion and a commitment to all residents.

Carl is the right person to lead and move Lewiston forward.  I strongly believe he would be someone who unites our community and embraces diversity.

I urge Lewiston residents to vote for Carl Sheline for our next mayor.

Abdikadir Negeye, Lewiston

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