The COVID situation in America seems to be getting worse instead of better, mainly because of anti-vaxxers.

Hospitals are overflowing, but these people stubbornly refuse to get vaccinated, saying, “my body, my choice.” They don’t care if thousands of people all over the country are dying because of their choice not to get the lifesaving vaccine.

It’s really sad that people are so gullible that they believe all of the COVID nonsense on the internet, such as taking animal medications, gargling with bleach, and eating hot peppers.

Rep. Jonathan Carroll of Illinois recently suggested that unvaccinated people should have to pay their own hospital bills when they get COVID. I wonder why insurance companies don’t refuse coverage or charge higher premiums for unvaccinated people. After all, they’re knowingly putting themselves in danger by not getting the vaccine.

It seems likely that everyone’s health insurance costs may go up because payouts to hospitals for the unvaccinated will be so expensive.

Also, several Republican governors (Ron DeSantis in Florida, Kristi Noem in South Dakota, Greg Abbott in Texas, etc.) and other elected politicians are encouraging people not to wear masks or get vaccinated. I wonder why they’re trying to get their own voters killed?

I believe that we should have laws that prevent knowingly promoting false health information.

Ellen Field, New Gloucester

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