Items submitted to Check it Out must be events that benefit nonprofit organizations and be open to the public. Submissions should be received at least seven days in advance of the event.
Lewiston area
Auburn, Wednesday, Aug. 12: The Auburn Community Band presents “Famous Groups & People”, 7 to 8:15 p.m., Festival Plaza, Main St. Weather permitting. Free. Rain location at Hilton Garden Inn. Free parking in parking garage across the street. Bring lawn chairs. FMI: 333-6601 ext. 2108 or
Auburn, Wednesday, Aug. 12: Field trip: Alexander-Harkins Preserve, Stanton Bird Club and Androscoggin Land Trust, 8 a.m., Stanton Bird Club. FMI: 933-2266 or
Auburn, Wednesday, Aug. 12: Barbecue chicken supper, 4:30-6 p.m., American Legion Auxiliary #153, 71 So. Main St. $7 adults, $3 under 12. Benefits youth programs. FMI: 782-1118.
Lewiston, Wednesday, Aug. 12: Lewiston Public Library computer lab is open to senior citizens looking to develop basic computer skills, 1 to 3 p.m., Lewiston Public Library, 200 Lisbon St. Staffed by high school volunteers. Sessions are free and no pre-registration is required.
Auburn, Thursday, Aug. 13: L/A Arts presents “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” (Theatre), 7 p.m., Festival Plaza, Main Street. Free. The performance will be cancelled in the event of bad weather. FMI: 782-7228 or
Greene, Thursday, Aug. 13: “Everybody Loves Pirates” by the Frogtown Mountain Puppeteers, 2 p.m., Araxine Wilkins Sawyer Memorial, 371 Sawyer Road. Free. Children should be accompanied by adult. FMI: 946-5311.
Lewiston, Thursday, Aug. 13: Art fun with Molly, 10:30 a.m., Library Children’s Room, 200 Lisbon St. Space is limited. Call 513-3133 or visit to reserve a spot.
Lewiston, Thursday, Aug. 13: Caterpillar necklace craft, 10:30 a.m., Toy Library, 134 College St. Free with admission. FMI: 782-1112 or
Lewiston, Thursday, Aug. 13: L/A Arts presents Romeo and Juliet (Theatre), 12 noon, Fountain Park, Mill Street. Free. Rain location: Franco-American Heritage Center, same date and time. Performed by The Poland Players. FMI: 782-7228 or
Auburn, Friday, Aug. 14: Book sale for teachers only, 4-6 p.m., Six Street Congregational Church, 109 Six St. Up to $2 or bring two or more non-perishable food items and get a book free.
Auburn, Friday, Aug. 14: Karaoke with Cheryl, 8 p.m. to midnight, American Legion #153. FMI: 782-1118.
Greene, Friday, Aug. 14: Music by Mac McHale and Emery Hutchins, 2 and 7 p.m., Araxine Wilkins Sawyer Memorial, 371 Sawyer Road. Free. FMI: 946-5311.
Lewiston, Friday, Aug. 14: Story time for ages 0-2 1/2 years, 10 a.m., Library Children’s Room, 200 Lisbon St. Siblings welcomed. FMI: 513-3133, or
Lewiston, Friday, Aug. 14: Contra dance, 8-11 p.m., Callahan Hall, Library, 200 Lisbon St. $5, students $2. All dances are taught. No experience or partner needed. FMI: 513-3050.
Lisbon, Friday, Aug. 14: Supper, 5:30-6:30 p.m., VFW Post 9459. $6, under 10 $3. FMI: 353-2152.
Mechanic Falls, Friday, Aug. 14: Spaghetti Supper, 4:30 to 6 p.m., American Legion Unit 150 Ladies Auxiliary. Cost: Adults $7, seniors $6, children under 12 $3.50. Benefits the family of Charlie Webster, who lost his life at Oxford Plains Speedway.
Sabattus, Friday and Saturday, Aug. 14-15: Garage sale, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Dominican Convent, 61 Lisbon Road. Benefits Loaves & Fishes. FMI: Kathy 375-8399 or 212-7674.
Auburn, Saturday, Aug. 15: Book sale, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Sixth Street Congregational Church, 109 Sixth St. Up to $2 or bring two or more non-perishable food items and get a book free.
Gray, Saturday, Aug. 15: Maine Bow Association Youth Archery instruction, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Maine Wildlife Park, Route 26. Regular admission. FMI: 657-4977 or
Lewiston, Saturday, Aug. 15: Stanton Bird Club field trip to St. Peters Cemetery, 7a.m., meet in front of Staples, 855 Lisbon St. FMI: or call 933-2266.
Lisbon, Saturday, Aug. 15: Benefit Dinner for Togus Veterans, 1 p.m., American Legion Post 158, 10 Webster St. Steak, chicken or ribs. Cost: $6. Tickets available at American Legion Post 158.
New Gloucester, Saturday, Aug. 15: Public Smorgasbord Supper, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., Sabbathday Lake Grange, Sabbathday Road, just off Rte. 26. Tickets: $7 adults, children 12 and younger are $3. Hall is handicap accessible. FMI: Steven Haycock 998-2783 or
New Gloucester, Saturday, Aug. 15: Guided nature hikes, 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. or 1:30-4 p.m., Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village. $5, children $2, under 6 free. Wear sturdy footwear. Reserve and FMI: 926-4597 or
New Gloucester, Saturday, Aug. 15: Bean Supper, 5 to 6 p.m., AMVETS Post 6. Cost: Adults $7, under 12 $3, under 6 free.
Turner, Saturday, Aug. 15: Yard sale, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Bear Pond Village, Route 219. Rain location: Boofy Quimby Hall, Route 219. Benefits Bear Pond Protection Fund.
Winthrop, Saturday, Aug. 15: Bake sale, 9 a.m., Congregational Church UCC. Lunch on the Lawn at 11 a.m.
Auburn, Sunday, Aug. 16: Evening Service featuring “The Winsome Souls” Trio, 6 p.m., Court Street Baptist Church.
Lewiston, Sunday, Aug. 16: Dance with music by Patio Cowboys, 7 p.m., Knights of Columbus Hall, 150 East Ave. $8. FMI: 784-0389.
Lewiston, Monday, Aug. 17: Kid’s Cooking Club, 4 p.m., Lewiston Public Library Children’s Room, 200 Lisbon St. Ages 7-14. Attendance limited to 8, call children’s department to sign up. FMI: 513-3133,,
Lewiston, Monday, Aug. 17: Art Fun, 10:30 a.m., Lewiston Public Library Children’s Room, 200 Lisbon St. Space is limited, call children’s department to reserve a spot. FMI: 513-3133,,
Lewiston, Monday, Aug. 17: All-ages Storytime, 6:30 p.m., Lewiston Public Library Children’s Room, 200 Lisbon St. No pre-registration necessary. FMI: 513-3133,,
Poland Spring, Monday, Aug. 17: Summer Concert Series, Denny and Ann Breau and Frank Coffin, doors open 6:30 p.m., 7 p.m. concert, All Soul’s Chapel. Tickets: $7.50. Door prizes and refreshments after concert. All proceeds go toward the preservation and restoration of the All Soul’s Chapel and The Maine State Building. FMI: 998-4142,
Lewiston, Tuesday, Aug. 18: Preschool story time for ages 2 1/2 – 5 years, 10 a.m., Library Children’s Room, 200 Lisbon St. Siblings welcome. FMI: 513-3133, or
Sabattus, Tuesday, Aug. 18: American Red Cross blood drive, 2-7 p.m., Our Lady of the Rosary, 131 High St.
Auburn, Wednesday, Aug. 19: The Auburn Community Band presents “Takes Two!”, selected music from their previous nine concerts, 7 to 8 p.m., Festival Plaza, Main Street. Free. Rain location at Hilton Garden Inn. Free Parking in parking garage across the street. Bring lawn chairs. FMI: 33-6601 ext.2108 or
Auburn, Wednesday, Aug. 19: Anime Club meeting, 3 p.m., Androscoggin Commuinty Room, Auburn Public Library, 49 Spring St. Free refreshments. FMI: 333-6640 ext. 4 or
Lewiston, Wednesday, Aug. 19: American Red Cross Blood Drive, 1 to 6 p.m., Ramada Conference Center, 490 Pleasant St.
Lewiston, Thursday, Aug. 20: Art fun, 10:30 a.m., Library Children’s Room, 200 Lisbon St. Space limited. Reserve at Library or 513-3133.
Lewiston, Thursday, Aug. 20: Dave Rowe Trio concert, 12 noon, Fountain Park, Mill Street. Free. Rain location: Franco-American Heritage Center. FMI: 782-7228 or
Auburn, Friday, Aug. 21: Teen Open Mic Night with guest performer Leslie Reed, 6 p.m., Androscoggin Community Room, Auburn Public Library, 49 Spring St. Performers sign up at 5:30 p.m. Bring a can of food to support the Good Shepherd Food Pantry. FMI: 333-6640 ext. 4,,
Auburn, Friday, Aug. 21: American Red Cross Blood Drive, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Auburn Mall, 550 Center St.
Lewiston, Friday, Aug. 21: Build a Boat Craft, 10:30 a.m., Toy Library, 134 College St. Free with admission. FMI: 782-1112,,
Lewiston, Friday, Aug. 21: Babytime Storytime, 10 a.m., Lewiston Public Library Children’s Room, 200 Lisbon St. Ages 0 to 2 1/2. FMI:, 513-3133,
Lisbon, Friday, Aug. 21: Mexican Dish Supper, 5:30 to 6 p.m., VFW Post 9459. Cost: Adults $6, under 10 $3. FMI: 353-2152.
Sabattus, Friday and Saturday, Aug. 21 and 22: Garage Sale, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Dominican Convent, 61 Lisbon Rd. To benefit Loaves and Fishes. FMI: Kathy 375-8399 or 212-7674.
Auburn, Saturday, Aug. 22: Book sale, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., Library, 49 Spring St. Up to $1. Sponsored by Friends of the Auburn Public Library. FMI: 333-6640 ext. 2023.
Gray, Saturday, Aug. 22: Life of the Honey Bee, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Maine Wildlife Park, Route 26. Regular admission. FMI: 657-4977 or
Gray, Saturday, Aug. 22: Chicken barbecue, 5 and 5:45 p.m., Congregational Church Parish House, Brown Street. $9, 12 and under $4. Take out available. FMI: 657-4338.
New Gloucester, Saturday, Aug. 22: R & R Spinners demonstration, 10 a.m., Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village, Route 26. Free and open to public. FMI: 926-4597.
Turner, Saturday, Aug. 22: Chicken barbecue, 4-7 p.m., GAR Hall, Route 219. Donation. Sponsored by North Turner Presbyterian Church. FMI: 225-3370.
Auburn, Sunday, Aug. 23: Ethical Eating Farmer’s Market, 11 a.m. to noon, First Universalist Church, 169 Pleasant St. FMI: 784-0461 or
Lewiston, Sunday, Aug. 23: Dance with music by Wild Horse, 7 p.m., Knights of Columbus Hall, 150 East Ave. $8. FMI: 784-0389.
Lewiston, Monday, Aug. 24: Art fun, 10:30 a.m., Library Children’s Room, 200 Lisbon St. Space limited. Reserve a spot at the library or call 513-3133.
Lewiston, Monday, Aug. 24: Kids’ cooking club for ages 7-14, 4 p.m., Library Children’s Room, 200 Lisbon St. Space limited. Reserve a spot at the library or call 513-3133.
Lewiston, Monday, Aug. 24: All-ages story time, 6:30 p.m., Library Children’s Room, 200 Lisbon St. FMI: 513-3133, or
Poland Spring, Monday, Aug. 24: Anni Clark concert, 7 p.m., All Soul’s Chapel. $7.50. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Door prizes and refreshments. FMI: 998-4142 or
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