Sunflower learning

Hartford Elementary classroom

AREA — A partnership has bloomed among three local schools with support from the Maine Farm to School Network and the 5210 Let’s Go! Program. Mrs. Caldwell’s senior math class at Buckfield Jr./Sr. High School is teaching the students in Mrs. Thone’s kindergarten class at Hartford-Sumner Elementary and Ms. Rines’s 4th-grade class at Dirigo Elementary all about sunflowers and local foods.

Each elementary student planted their own sunflower and received weekly support from senior students to track its growth in a journal. Mrs. Caldwell’s seniors will also design a sunflower maze, which should be ready for a field trip in early fall. Sections of the maze will be named in honor of both classrooms, which helped grow the sunflowers needed for it.

This work was supported by a USDA Farm to School Implementation Grant 2021-2023. CFDA 10.575 CN-F2S-IM-L-21-Me. USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.

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