Read more about Feb. 4, 1948, in the archives.
100 Years Ago: 1923
Congressman and Mrs. Wallace H. White arrived at their home, 20 Elm Street, Auburn last Friday. Congressman White plans to return Tuesday. Mrs. White is leaving for Washington later in the week.
50 Years Ago: 1973
Units of the High Street Congregational Church are holding their monthly meetings at the church on Tuesday. Feb. 6. The Morning Unit will hear a talk on ‘‘Meals on Wheels’’ by Mrs. Eloise Moreau, executive director of the Lewiston Senior Citizens, at a meeting of the Afternoon Unit. There will be a demonstration of the use of small electrical appliances by Miss Ruth Clough of the Central Maine Power Co.
25 Years Ago: 1998
The Maine Historical Society will host a lecture on the USS Maine, “Remember the Maine,” from 4 to 5 p.m. Thursday at the Maine History Gallery, 489 Congress St. Mal Leary will present a lecture and video. Admission is $3 for nonmembers and $2 for members.
The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.
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