MMS Chorale at December 2022 concert with Director Rick Nickerson. Submitted photo by Jared Morneau

The Maine Music Society Chorale will present Remembrance and Hope at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 11, and at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 12, at the Riverfront-Franco Center in Lewiston.

The chorale, under the direction of new Artistic Director Richard Nickerson, has been rehearsing for weeks. The concert will feature two major works accompanied by a chamber ensemble. In the first half, the Chorale will perform one of the most beloved choral works of the 19th Century, Requiem by Gabriel Fauré. This seven-movement setting of the traditional Latin text will be performed in remembrance of the victims of COVID-19. The second half will feature the Sunrise Mass by Norwegian composer, Ola Gjeilo. This stunningly beautiful four-movement work will be performed in celebration of recovery and hope for the days ahead.

Masks are optional.

Tickets are available online at or by calling our business office at 207-333-3386. Reserved seating is back. Tickets cost $25 (adult); $23 (senior); $13 (student) plus a $2 handling fee per ticket. Children under 12 are free when accompanied by an adult. Group rates: 20% off price before handling fee for 10 or more tickets to the same performance purchased at the same time.

The Maine Music Society Chorale is an auditioned, mixed-voice community chorus based in Lewiston-Auburn. Led by Maine Music Society Artistic Director Dr. Richard Nickerson, the 70-plus voice chorale has distinguished itself with an ever-evolving level of excellence and professionalism. Founded as the Androscoggin Chorale in 1973, the group’s diverse repertoire reflects its desire to advance the cultural heritage of Central Maine, to explore a broad range of musical genres — contemporary, musical theatre, classical, opera, oratorio — and to provide its members with opportunities to experience their love of singing.


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