Lewiston Daily Sun for March 10, 1983

Read more about March 10, 1983, in the SunJournal.com archives.

100 Years Ago: 1923

Mrs. Ernest Strouss, 28 Elm Street, Auburn will entertain the Auburn Art and Literature Club Monday afternoon. Rev. George Fanita, pastor of the United Baptist Church will be the speaker. Members are requested to come prepared with questions for this year’s programs.

50 Years Ago: 1973

A successful card party and Music Night sponsored by the Lewiston High School Band Booster Club took place at the Montello Junior High School auditorium this week, with a large crowd in attendance. The musical program was provided by a group of high school musicians known as the Tempomen and a group of members of the Society of Preservation and Encouragement of BarberShop Singing in America, who offered  several numbers.

Among the many prizes donated by local merchants and individuals were a $100 savings bond won by Miss Glennis Jepson, and two beautiful handmade afghans made by Miss Winnie Tardif and Mrs. Germaine Galipeau. Refreshments were served by girls from the band.

25 Years Ago: 1998

The developer of Union Street Plaza, in Auburn will ask for Planning Board’s permission Tuesday to amend its site plan in a way that could allow an office supply store next to Rite Aid. The requested revision is the only project scheduled to be reviewed by the Planning Board at its 7 p.m. meeting at the City Building. The Timone Company would like to revise its original plan to construct three buildings and build just one 23,480-square-foot building to house an Office Max discount office supplies store. The plaza already includes an 11.000-square-foot Rite Aid pharmacy.

The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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