Sunday, March 19 service: Maggie Houlihan played familiar hymns on the pipe organ before the Sunday Service began. Kay Watson opened the service with a warm welcome for all in and then read the announcements for the upcoming week. She led us as we sang two Praise Songs: “I Will Lift High” and “Wonderful, Merciful Savior”.

Rev. Russ Thayer read the Call to Worship from Psalm 65, Verses 1 – 4. He led us into Prayer Time, followed by The Lord’s Prayer. We sang the Hymn, “Lamb of Glory”. Tini Eastman presented the Mission Moment. She reminded us of the importance of supporting missions and their causes. Rev. Russ then announced it was time for the Offertory, which he calls, “Happy Time”. Maggie Houlihan and Margaret Emery played, “My Faith Has Found A Resting Place”. The Worship Team asked the Congregation to join them as everyone sang a joyful rendition of “Jesus Lifted Me”.

Rev. Thayer read Scripture from the Book of Matthew, Chapter 27, Verse 46 to introduce his Sermon. To prepare for Easter, he has spoken to us of the last words uttered by Christ as He was dying on the cross. The first three today, sermons helped us to understand Christ’s meaning as He said the words: “Forgive”, “Paradise”, “Behold”, and today, the word “Forsaken”. Because Jesus was human, He had the same feelings about situations in life, just as we, as humans feel about things in our lives. He was dragged, beaten, mocked, forced to carry His cross up Calvary’s Hill, taunted, and left to hang for hours in hot sun, bearing horrible pain. He reached a point when he doubted that God, His father, could care about Him, that God did not love Him, had abandoned Him. In the Book of Matthew, it says that Jesus finally cried out to His Father: “My God, My God, why have you Forsaken me?” But Jesus knew this was His destiny. God was with Him all the time because God sent Him to earth to show us the path of righteousness and to die for our sins.

To end the Service, we sang, “Beneath the Cross of Jesus”, and after the benediction, we sang, “Savior, Again At Thy Dear Name”.


During March, we are collecting canned fruit for the Food Cupboard. In April, we will collect canned peas.

On March 26, First Baptist will host an Installation Ceremony for Rev. Thayer, because he is now our minister. He and his wife, Carol, have moved into our Parsonage and we are delighted to welcome them into our Church Family! The Service will begin at 4 p.m. and will be followed by a light supper. The Hymnsing for the 26th has been canceled.

The following events will take place during the week: 10 a.m. Bible Study on Tuesday, March 21; Thursday, March 23, at11:30 am, Mary’s Lunch; also on Thursday, Worship Team at 1 p.m.; Every Friday is Game Day, learn to play cribbage from12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Soap ‘N More Store on Saturday, March 25 from 9 a.m. to Noon.

Next Men’s Breakfast on April 8 at 8 a.m.

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