Today, I watched coverage of the Vietnam veterans and the thanks they received for their sacrifice.

After serving in Vietnam, in the Navy, I and many others developed multiple diseases on the presumptive list for Agent Orange. All veterans that served in Vietnam received notice of presumptive exposure for diseases from Agent Orange.

Congress and the Veterans Administration determined that a veteran must have boots on the ground to qualify for medical coverage and compensation. This prevented Blue Water Navy vets coverage. The Veterans Administration finally opened coverage to brown water Navy vets that served in the rivers and bays of Vietnam.

Since then, the Blue Water Navy Association has continued to fight for Navy Veterans serving off the coast of Vietnam. The fight lasted over 20 years. Finally, HR 299 passed and Congress granted presumptive exposure to the Blue Water Navy veterans.

Within months of implementation, Congress passed an additional resolution. They drew lines in the Gulf of Tonkin that effectively eliminated coverage to more than 70,000 veterans. Congressman Jared Golden and Congresswoman Chellie Pingree voted to strip the benefits from these Navy veterans.

Some of the most heavy Agent Orange spraying occurred at the border of North Vietnam and drained into the Dong Ha River basin to travel north of the 17th parallel. Congress, and our representatives, voted to deny benefits beyond the 17th parallel.

The Blue Water Navy Association, and others, are fighting for Navy veterans to have presumptive exposure. Congress and the VA system continues to deny inclusion.

Roger Belanger, Auburn

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