I would like to offer a different perspective on Mary Beth Taylor’s recent letter about the Regional School Unit 16 budget (“Reasons to oppose RSU 16 budget,” March 30).

While it’s true that she expressed opposition to the budget due to concerns about a potential bond payment and unbalanced elementary student-to-teacher ratios, I know there are many other factors at play.

The proposed budget does include critical expenses, such as ensuring our three elementary schools remain operational by upgrading and replacing the heating systems, improving elementary student-to-teacher ratios, and providing social-emotional support to our students in a post-pandemic educational environment. Additionally, it includes a salary increase for our hardworking employees, who are facing an inflation-laden economy.

While Mary Beth may have focused on the potential bond payment, it’s crucial to recognize that this is just one piece of the puzzle. In fact, the projected increase in taxes for the RSU 16 school budget is far more complex than simply the bond interest payment of approximately $185,000.

Ultimately, it will be up to the voters of RSU 16 to decide the fate of the budget. I encourage Poland, Minot and Mechanic Falls residents to become better informed by visiting the RSU 16 website or attending upcoming school board and district budget meetings. It’s important to consider all viewpoints and make an informed decision based on the full picture.

Let’s not allow one individual’s perspective to overshadow the importance of this vote.

Kenneth Healey, Gorham, RSU 16 superintendent

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