DEAR SUN SPOTS: During Teacher Appreciation Week, the members of Mu Chapter, Alpha Psi State, Delta Kappa Gamma wish to thank all educators, including administrators and support staff members, for their dedication and commitment to the young people with whom they work every day.

As educators, past and present, we know the many hours of hard work that teachers devote to the profession. In today’s world, teachers face many challenges that they meet with expertise and devotion. We appreciate every teacher’s many efforts so much.–Mu Chapter Members, Auburn

ANSWER: Teaching is a very tough job and I hope everyone will do something to acknowledge and thank teachers this week and every day. Kind words, an email or a handwritten note, stepping up to provide classroom supplies, volunteering for a special activity or field trip are all things we can do. Simply asking your student’s teacher, “What do you need?” and then responding in a helpful way would be so appreciated.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I am writing regarding the person looking for coin collectors (Sun Spots, May 5). My husband is an avid coin collector. He can be reached at 207-777-3886.

I love your column and read it every day.—Michelle, no town

ANSWER: Hopefully, our Sun Spotter who wrote in will see this and give your husband a call.


DEAR SUN SPOTS: The May 5 Sun Spots contained an inquiry from a reader looking to reach someone who collects old cameras. I might be interested if I could get further details regarding the makes, models, condition and cost. My contact information is or 1-973-534-0215.—David, no town

ANSWER: Thank you for writing. Let us know how this works out.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Would you know where to find a hairdresser or barber who would do men’s haircuts at a nursing home in South Paris?

This service is so needed for residents who cannot go to a hair salon or barber. A list of barbers or hairdressers would be so appreciated for those who live there and need this service to look and feel good, and that would be affordable for them.

If any reader knows of someone who can help or is a mobile barber or hairstylist, please contact me at 207-743-1903. —No name, South Paris

ANSWER: I am wondering if you have asked at the facility where your loved one is staying? Or have you asked local barbers or hairstylists? They may know of someone or might provide this service.


The information in my Rolodex for area folks with these skills and willingness to travel is outdated, so we should take this opportunity to ask if there is anyone in Sun Spots Land who can help or who would like to be listed for Sun Spotters.

Perhaps another reader knows of a service in the area and can give a recommendation and contact information.

You may also want to call Community Services at SeniorsPlus at 207-795-4010. It has a list of resources that might include current traveling or at-home hair technicians.

This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name. We will not use it if you ask us not to. Please include your phone number. Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can also be emailed to

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