DEAR SUN SPOTS: I just read your column this morning (Aug. 7) and wanted to let you know that yes, the daily crossword was totally changed. I’m sure you’ll get many letters and/or emails agreeing with the letter writer in today’s column. If the editors haven’t noticed the change, then I would say they don’t do the puzzle.

Here are a few examples:

7/31-clue: footless,  answer: apod (no such word, and a real stretch))

8/1-clue: sunhat, answer: terai  (not in dictionary)

8/2-clue: very in music, answer: assai (obscure to say the least)

8/3-clue: old Hebrew instrument, answer: asor (not in dictionary)


Today’s puzzle is back to normal and hopefully it will remain that way. Thanks for your column, it’s an asset to the community! — Mac and Alice, no town

ANSWER: First, thank you to all the Sun Spotters who have brought this to our attention. I received over a dozen letters with your concerns with the one above being an example.

It’s very puzzling, for sure. And we have attempted to resolve it. We can’t have our Sun Journal readers getting that frustrated with something that is supposed to bring a little joy and a bit of a challenge into your lives.

I reached out to our executive editor again regarding your concerns and this is what she had to say:

“I’m not a crossword puzzle doer (I know, weird for a newspaper editor), so I hadn’t noticed any change. As soon as we started hearing from readers, I called the vendor who supplies the crossword puzzle, Andrews McMeel Syndication, and asked whether they’d made any changes. I was told they had not.

“I let them know we were hearing from several people, so they doublechecked to make sure they’re sending us the right daily puzzle, and they said they have been.


“My hope is that there was a bubble of odd puzzle clues (maybe their regular puzzle craftsman was on vacation?) and the puzzle will now be back to normal, but if you’re still seeing odd clues or having trouble finishing the puzzles, please let us know. Thanks. — Judith Meyer, Sun Journal executive editor.

 I’m not a crossword puzzle person either, so dear readers, always let us know if something is amiss with the crossword puzzles, or for that matter, with any part of the publication. We depend on you!

DEAR SUN SPOTS: This is a reminder that the Lewiston High School Class of 1953 will hold its 70th-year  class reunion at Marco’s Italian Restaurant at 32 Mollison Way in Lewiston on Tuesday, Sept. 19, from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Please call Mariette Bernier at 786-9098 or Yvette Rousseau at 577-3240 to reserve a place if you are planning to attend.  Everyone pays for their meal and there is no other charge. We are hoping for a good turnout. — Mariette and Yvette, no town

ANSWER: I hope you all enjoy your time together. It’s good to have these reminders so please never hesitate to send them in.

This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name. We won’t use it if you ask us not to. Please include your phone number. Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can also be emailed to

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