Over 3 million pregnancies are unintended in America each year. How can one call it a mistake when people are only being fruitful and multiplying? For we are commanded from Day One to do exactly what we are doing.

Whether it was intended or not, lives don’t just happen willy nilly, they are created from two cells. It has been said that it takes two to tango. This dance is as old as humanity, so we are getting exactly what we ordered. Serve up a boy or girl, and be stuck with the results if the order isn’t just perfect.

The hypocrisy which is America somehow, some way has been groomed to have it both ways. We surely can have our cake and eat it too.

Try to imagine what 3 million unwanted and unloved boys and girls look like. When we open our eyes and take a good look around, the streets of America look like long-lost orphans seeking shelter or even love just to feel alive.

It shouldn’t be like rocket science to expect responsibility from cell donors who walk away from their own posterity. It should be easy.

Michael Boom, Lisbon

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