Imagine what Auburn could be.

Imagine us working together, all voices and concerns encouraged, welcomed and heard without contempt or bullying.

Imagine us protecting our environment and natural resources, not by contesting a crucial watershed boundary, but instead by making our pole star of development generously, unambiguously protecting the watersheds of our two great ponds and river.

Imagine housing keyed not to how many hundreds of units can be squeezed in, but to how thoughtfully we restore, build and maintain neighborhoods that feature diverse yet cohesive livability.

Imagine our schools touted not only for the grandness of their buildings, but more importantly for the greatness of the learning within and beyond their walls.

Fortunately, mayoral candidate Jeff Harmon believes in all these goals.

I hope residents vote for him in November, so we can move beyond imagining to making Auburn all it can be.

Jan Phillips, Auburn

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