In a recent column (“Climate issues call for facts, not militancy,” Dec. 9), Cal Thomas trounced the “false doctrine” of the “climate alarmists” and advised his readers to “avoid a ‘scientific consensus’ on climate change.”

So let’s toss the ginormous fact that “more than 99.9% of peer-reviewed scientific papers agree that climate change is mainly caused by humans,” according to the Cornell Chronicle of Cornell University.

Can Thomas be ignorant of the present-day growth of the flat-Earth movement, whose adherents reject the overwhelming scientific consensus regarding Earth’s sphericity? Their eyes don’t lie; science does. Would he object that, well, their numbers are small? So is that of climate change deniers and skeptics, comparatively speaking.

Seems their eyes don’t lie, either: As Thomas points out in his paltry objection to the solid theory of global warming, in today’s Europe “there is heavy snow and cold temperatures.” Let me see: if global warming were real, there’d be no snow or cold … hmmm … oh, okay — color me sold.

Thomas, a full-bore evangelical, made biblical allusions in his column to ridicule the “end-of-world predictions” of “climate change apostles.” They’ve all been wrong, he writes, just like “modern secular and religious false prophets.”

He asks: “Where have we heard versions of this apocalyptic nonsense before?” As regards religious false prophets, how far back would he be willing to go? As far back as the first century to, say, Matthew 16: 27-28?

Didn’t happen and never will.

William LaRochelle, Lewiston