NORWAY — The Norway Savings Bank has presented a challenge grant to the Western Foothills Land Trust.

On July 2, Karen Hakala, senior vice president of marketing, and Patricia Weigel, president of Norway Saving Bank, presented Lee Dassler and Bob Van Nest of the Western Foothills Land Trust a $5,000 challenge grant for the Trust’s endowment fund campaign. The Trust has two months to raise the $5,000 endowment fund match. The challenge was accepted in the SAD 17 gardens at the Land Trust’s Roberts Farm Preserve.

Norway Savings Bank offered this challenge grant in recognition of the trust’s commitment to resource conservation, environmental education and outdoor recreation in western Maine.

Because the trust’s roots were established in Norway 26 years ago, officials said support from Norway Savings Bank is especially meaningful. Currently, the Land Trust protects more than 5,500 acres of land by a blend of conservation easements or ownership in a 10-town service area, providing over 12 miles of recreational trails on four trust-owned preserves.

The trust was selected in May 2012 to be a recipient of the Ram Island Conservation Fun 25/25 Endowment Challenge Grant, administered by the Maine Community Foundation. Under that grant program, the trust needs to raise $25,000 for its endowment in 18 months’ time to receive a matching $25,000. To date, more than $3,000 has been raised or pledged for the endowment fund, which will be managed by Norway Savings Bank as a restricted fund. The trust will only be able to access the interest accrued from the principal.

Anyone wishing to make a contribution or pledge to the fund to help the trust meet the Norway Savings Bank Challenge can find information on the trust’s website,

For additional information contact Dassler at 207-739-2124.