We are all deeply saddened and shocked by the untimely death of teenager Trayvon Martin during an unfortunate nighttime confrontation in the state of Florida.

Following that tragic event and a “not guilty” verdict by a conscientious six-woman jury in George Zimmerman’s trial, this country descended into an orgy of protests, some of them violent, accusations of racism and never-ending arguments about unresolved racial issues in this country.

The horrific altercation occurred between Martin, a 17-year-old black teenager, and Zimmerman, a 29-year-old Hispanic man.

Factually ignorant, reckless and irresponsible white and black agitators are trying to divide this great nation again along racial lines for political and self-promoting purposes.

Thorough pretrial FBI investigations reportedly have found no evidence of any racism whatsoever, and statements by the Florida attorney general and her lawyers, as well as Martin’s family, denied emphatically any racial connection in the case.

America, a country that has elected and re-elected (by great margins) its first black president, Barack Obama, has redeemed itself before history and has nothing to prove to the world.

It is a great and exceptional country and I am proud to be an American.

Klaus Kuck, Lewiston