FARMINGTON — Franklin County sheriff’s deputies arrested an Avon man Tuesday for failing to register as a sex offender and failing to give police or the state a new address.

Patrick Crocker, 48, is a lifetime registrant as a sex offender, according to the Maine Sex Offender Registry. His convictions include unlawful sexual contact with a child under age 14, gross sexual misconduct and unlawful sexual contact dating back to 1993, according to the state website.

He has a conviction on failing to register and had a similar charge dismissed in July by the District’s Attorney’s Office.

Deputies charged Crocker on Tuesday in Phillips on a felony charge of failure to register to comply with the Maine Sex Offender Registry Notification Act, Lt. David St. Laurent said. It is a felony charge because he has a previous conviction of failing to register, he said.

He is being held without bail at the Franklin County jail in Farmington.

Sheriff Scott Nichols Sr. received information that Crocker had been sleeping on people’s lawns in Phillips. Deputies looked for Crocker on Monday night but could not find him, St. Laurent said. They left information with a business representative to contact the Sheriff’s Department if Crocker was seen.


Deputy Matthew Brann warned Crocker on Aug. 6 that he had 24 hours to register the physical address of where he is living to comply with state law.

Brann had responded to a Hare Street residence in Avon last week and gave Crocker a verbal criminal trespass warning not to return to that residence, St. Laurent said. He had been kicked out of that residence in July and could no longer stay there, he said.

Deputy Sandy Burke arrested Crocker on July 14 on a charge of failure to comply with the Sex Offender Registry Act. Burke responded to a call from 90 Hare St. in Avon on July 13 to remove Crocker, according to Burke’s probable cause affidavit filed with the court.

He was advised that Crocker had been kicked out because there were children there and he was a sex offender, he wrote.

Burke transported him to a Pleasant Street address in Rangeley where Crocker told him he would stay with his father, the affidavit states. Burke found out that his father had died. Crocker flagged him down about midnight July 14 and told him he had no place to go and no address. Burke then arrested him on a charge of failure to comply with the act.

The District Attorney’s Office dismissed that charge July 30 due to insufficient evidence, according to court documents.