100 years ago, 1913
“Not guilty” was the plea of Peter G. Garland, who was arraigned in the municipal court, Tuesday morning, on two charges, assault with intent to kill and breaking, entering and larceny in the night time. Returning shot for shot, Garland was captured by A.C. Martin, about 1 o’clock, Tuesday morning, after the officer had administered a severe blow with his hand-cuffs. Just finishing his 12 o’clock round, Officer Martin heard a smashing of glass in the rear of Burleigh’s grocery store. Investigating the officer saw a shadowy figure trying to enter the rear window of the store. Both men saw each other at the same time and both whipped out a gun. Shots were exchanged and the officer closed in on his man. Several blows were exchanged and what looked like a draw was finished when Officer Martin struck the burglar with his hand-cuffs. The man was stretched on the ground and after the hand-cuffs and twister were snapped on the prisoner was taken to the police station for the night. Judge Webber found probable cause and the prisoner was bound over to the September term of Superior Court.

50 years ago, 1963
A huge quantity of ledge is being removed on the Stevens Mills Road in the section opposite the U.S. Rifle Range. The ledge, which made a sharp knoll in the road, has been blasted and a bulldozer is being used to remove the large chunks of rock. The knoll is being lowered several feet and the material being spread along the dirt road as fill to level out the section of road.

25 years ago, 1988
A one-year-old boy was in good condition Tuesday night at Central Maine Medical Center after falling from the third floor of a downtown apartment house. The boy rushed into a room to look out the window. He scrambled onto a low radiator, peered over a window sill, pushed out a screen and went out the window. He fell three stories and landed in a bush. The child had no apparent fractures.

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