100 years ago, 1913
Lewiston has a dress suit case mystery! About ten days ago a cheap suit case, one of those of the brown canvas variety, was shoved behind one of the counters at the front of the Woolworth store, by whom, nobody knows. When the clerk discovered it, it was thought the owner would call for the ease, but the days passed and no claim was made. Friday afternoon the manager of the store notified police headquarters and Patrolman Luke Pelletier was sent up by Deputy Davis. The officer opened the case. Its contents consisted of the following articles: A 32 calibre revolver, with a blue barrel; a girl’s light muslin dress; man’s blue coat; boy’s red sweater and a woman’s undershirt. There was nothing in the case to indicate its owner. The police will endeavor to return the ease to the one who owns it.

50 years ago, 1963
Mt. Washington TV Inc. (WMTW-TV) started Sunday bringing color television to viewers in Northern New England for the first time and plans to program approximately 35 hours of color programming a week with the addition of an RCA color television film chain at the station’s studios at Poland Spring. The new equipment will allow color movies and slides to be originated locally. The station has been carrying some ABC-TV network programs in color for the past year. Other full color feature films will be spotlighted on the weekday afternoon matinees, and on Saturdays and Sundays. WMTW becomes the third such equipped station in New England.

25 years ago, 1988
Thomas Kendall hopes he can help the City of Auburn resolve longstanding computer problems during a two-month stint as interim city councilor. “I’m very disappointed with the implementation of computerization during the past five years,” said Kendall, a computer programmer and systems analyst at Veribest Business Systems Inc. in Auburn. “I’m in that industry. Maybe I can help.” The City Council unanimously appointed Kendall as Ward 3 councilor last night. Kendall will serve as interim councilor until a Dec. 20 special election. The special election was scheduled to fill a vacancy created when Franklin Goss resigned Oct. 3 because a move to a house in Ward 2 put him in violation of the city charter.

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