100 years ago, 1913
Sidewalk conventions and smoke caucuses have already begun, and candidates for Lewiston’s municipal offices are springing up. Campaigns are quietly being planned and slyly launched as the days go on so that by the time the political breezes of today have become the gales of February and March, the candidates will be serenely bowling along toward the shoals of caucus and the breakers of election before the ordinary person thinks the sheets have been trimmed. The undercurrent sweeping thru the corridors of the City Hall and into the offices and stores of the city presages a primary tidal wave that carries on its crest Nap. Morey and Mayor Hines contesting the democratic nomination while the republican-progressive-citizen parties are endorsing the name of Dr. Wiseman.
The aldermanic shores also will receive the sweep and play of the forces if the signs are readable. The early tidings do not bid much for the democratic chances unless a new candidate appears.
50 years ago, 1963
Two new sections of bleachers for use at Walton Field were delivered in Auburn yesterday, and work began immediately on their installation. Schools Supt. Lewis E. Webber said the two new bleacher sections will be installed on the northerly end of the stands on the home side of the field. The new stands will seat an additional 240 persons. They are being installed on the north end of the field because an angle in the fence on the southerly end of the home-side stands would not permit their installation there.
25 years ago, 1988
A labor shortage has sent local businesses scrambling to find people to fill a glut of part-time jobs. “We have very few applicants at this time,” said Roberta Patterson, assistant manager at Super Shaw’s in Auburn. The store currently employs 212 people but could use 25 more, according to Patterson, who said she thinks the recent opening of an L.L. Bean telemarketing center in Lewiston has had “some bearing” on the hiring situation. Patterson said many of the job hunters want full-time positions that offer benefits, such as health insurance.
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