100 years ago, 1913
George H. Dillingham of Auburn is a clean cut fighter and hard hitter. For several years he has fought the movement to change the name of Dillingham Hill to Maple Hill and by his persistence has at last won out. As a court of last resort he carried the matter to the United States Geological Survey in Washington, who made the survey of that section of Auburn and has just received the following letter: My Dear Mr. Dillingham, Your letter was referred to the board of geographic names. I have now learned that the board decided that you had made a conclusive case, and the name of “Dillingham Hill” bears the approval of this board which is the final authority in these matters. Yours Very truly, George Otis Smith, Director.
50 years ago, 1963
Lewiston Police Officer Henry J. B. Levesque, president of the Lewiston Police Relief Association, today said members of the force are presently considering sending a sum of money to the family of Dallas, Tex., patrolman J. D. Tippet, who was killed last Friday by Lee Harvey Oswald, alleged assassin of President Kennedy. Officer Levesque said that a bulletin has been placed in the department’s squad room for all the officers to see and they are asked to indicate if they prefer to send money, and if so, if the amount is to be $50 or $100. The Auburn Police Benefit Association yesterday voted to send $50 to the Dallas policeman’s family.
25 years ago, 1988
The Lewiston Public Library was open for business today, following a fire in the children’s room yesterday afternoon that caused about $2,500 damage. “We are open for business. The Mouse Hole is closed,” said Children’s Librarian Susan V. Pease. A box-like room with a round opening, the Mouse Hole, is where yesterday’s fire began and where the damage occurred. Deputy Chief of Fire Prevention Louis Dumais said an item that appears to be a candle holder was found in a box of toys in the mouse hole, but that “there was nothing in there for children to start a fire with.” He termed the fire “suspicious” and said the blaze is under investigation.
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